

504 Student Accommodations


第504节 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 is a Federal civil rights law that is designed to eliminate disability discrimination in education; it prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities. Requires school districts to provide a FAPE (Free Appropriate Public Education). 它要求学区提供旨在满足残疾学生个人需求的援助和服务,就像满足非残疾学生的需求一样充分. 第504条的目标是创造公平的竞争环境,这样学生就可以在没有残疾阻碍的情况下展示他们真正的智慧.

New Process for Student’s with Life Threatening Medical Conditions

学生504/ADA部门正在监督所有有危及生命的健康状况的学生的合规性. Under 华盛顿 State Law, 任何有危及生命的健康状况的学生都有资格获得第504条民权保护, but without going through the SPS 第504节 process, 提供504民权保护导致我们部门不符合华盛顿州的规定. Below is an excerpt from the 根据第504 (2162SP)条规定的通识教育环境中学生的督学政策和程序

For a student whose only disability is a life-threatening health condition, 个人健康计划/紧急护理计划(ECP)将作为学生的第504节计划.

The process to put such plans in place (RCW 28A.210.320) is based on procedures that satisfy the requirements of 第504节, 包括校医进行评估及转介学生至校本504小组,以提供程序保障.

If the life-threatening condition affects the student’s education, 那么就会制定一份504条款计划,其中包括为危及生命的健康状况提供便利,并在一个计划中提供学术便利.

You will receive a request Consent to evaluate / Acceptance of 504 civil rights protections (504-4) form via DocuSign from Daniel Davis. 如果你签了同意书, 那么您的学生将获得第504条权利(504-1)和第504条规定的程序保障. 同意和接受将允许学校工作人员能够在一天中的任何时间查看您的学生的紧急护理计划(ECP),并且允许学生504部门要求教师签名,他们已经审查并确认了ECP. 我们将每月为校长提供审计,这样他们就可以联系到没有检查过学生ECP的老师. 我们相信这一额外的监督将为我们所有有生命危险的健康问题的学生提供一个更安全的环境.



  • Refer the student in writing to the school’s Building Coordinator. The form below may be used to start the process. The building coordinator will have 5 school days to acknowledge the request.


Families can call us in the following languages:

  • 阿姆哈拉语和奥罗莫语 206-445-3848 or 206-252-0121
  • 中国人 & 广东话,普通话 & 广东台山话 206-475-1860 or 206-252-0013
  • 索马里、阿拉伯语 206-430-2494 or 206-252-0880
  • 西班牙语 206-471-2414 or 206-252-0208
  • 越南 206-471-9386 or 206-252-0778
  1. 校本504小组将有25个上课日的时间来决定该学生是否为504评估的候选人
  2. 家长/监护人将收到一份关于转介评估的决定通知
  3. If the student is determined to be candidate for a 第504节 evaluation, 学校的建筑协调员将提供一份评估同意书(504-4)表格供家长/监护人签署

**虽然从医疗保健提供者那里获得支持信息作为评估过程的一部分非常有用, 家庭不能被要求提供医疗或心理诊断来转介学生进行504评估.

  • Once consent has been signed, the school will have 30 school days to evaluate
  • The School-Based 504 Team will review all data made available, i.e. 学区评估、家长评估、教师报告、成绩单、考试成绩等.


  • 评估结果将记录在资格确定报告(表格504-5)中。
  • The school will fill out Eligibility or Non-Eligibility Notice (504-6)
  • If the student is eligible for 第504节 Civil Rights protections with a plan, 学校将有30个上课日编写和实施个人504计划(504-8)

**学区没有义务提供学生家长/监护人和/或医生要求的服务,除非, in the District’s determination, the student needs the service to participate in and benefit from its education program

  • 校本504小组有30个上课日制定和实施个人504计划(504-8)
  • 在实施首个个人504计划(504-8)前,必须获得家长/监护人的同意
  • The 第504节 plan will be reviewed annually by school staff
  • 学生将每三年重新评估一次,当升学或转学发生时
  • 个人504计划(504-8)可在文档定稿后通过The Source登录查看和打印

Differences Between 第504节 & 想法*

*的想法 – Individuals with Disabilities Education Act


  • 民权法
  • 没有单独拨款
  • No “categories” of qualification
  • Requires substantial limitation of a major life activity
  • Parent participation recommended


  • 联邦拨款计划
  • State and federal funding
  • 残疾类别
  • Requires adverse educational impact and need for specially designed instruction
  • Parent is required team member
  • IEP (Individual education plan)


If you disagree with any of the district’s decisions regarding the 504 process, you have a right to Due Process.

Due process is as follows:

  1. 如果仍然不满意,要求与学校校长会面,讨论你的担忧
  2. Principal will refer you to the Student Support Services Intervention Team (S3IT)
  3. S3如果仍然不满意,IT部门将审查你所关注的问题和所有文件,并做出决定
  4. Please refer to the Notice of Procedural Safeguards (below)

Private School Evaluations

第504节 only applies to private schools that receive federal financial assistance, 并禁止他们因为学生的残疾而歧视学生. 它不要求私立学校大幅修改他们的课程,为残疾学生提供机会.

Any family that lives within Seattle Public School (SPS) district boundaries, will need to enroll with SPS for the purposes of getting a 504 evaluation. Once the student has enrolled and received and SPS student ID, please fill out the 504-2 and email to 504coordinator@naroa.net.

Enroll my student at 正规的棋牌平台排行榜


Once a student has qualified for 第504节 Civil Rights protections, there will be a new blue 504 icon that will be placed next to the student’s name. 这个图标向老师表明该学生受到504节民权保护. If the student qualified with an Individual 504 Plan (504-8), the teacher would then view the plan by clicking on the 504 icon.

These plans will follow the student to any school within 正规的棋牌平台排行榜.


How to access your student’s accommodation plan in The Source

个人504计划(504-8)不为教师/工作人员提供学生残疾. 正规的棋牌平台排行榜要求家长/监护人和/或学生提供许可,将这些信息包含在504住宿计划中.